Your Unique Vineyard Assistant

Welcome to the world of smart viticulture with an innovative software platform that uses drone technology and the power of artificial intelligence to improve every aspect of your viticulture production. Find out how our technology can help reduce costs, increase yields and improve wine quality!


Dive with us into the world of our services and let us take you one step further towards your success
Precise vine analysis
VINEYARD ANGEL uses advanced AI algorithms to extract and analyse only vine rows from multispectral drone images. Monitoring of the vine vigour and health status at the micro level, ensures timely identification of the problem areas or areas with the need of intervention. Adapt plant protection, fertilization and irrigation treatments to the actual needs of each row of your vineyard, optimizing resources and improving yield and quality.
Vineyard quality zonal management
VINEYARD ANGEL enables the precise definition of grape quality zones in your vineyard. Identify different grape quality zones for selective harvesting and production of different types of wine from the same vineyard, adjust treatments and resources according to the needs of each quality zone and grapevine variety.
Automatic counting and locating of missing vines
VINEYARD ANGEL automatically counts and geolocates missing vines, helping you identify areas that require replanting. This possibility ensures your vineyard an optimal condition and full yield potential.
Predictive analysis - a key tool for modern viticulture
VINEYARD ANGEL, with the use of additional IoT sensors, has the ability to collect, monitor and analyse key microclimate parameters in the vineyard. Our platform uses advanced analytical models to early predict the appearance of potential disease or pest infestations what enables timely implementation of preventive plant protection treatments.
Prikaz rezultata AI obrade slika

Key features

When researching new products or services, it's crucial to have all the relevant information in one place. We bring you a comprehensive overview of the key features that make our product special
Jednostavno korisničko sučelje slika
Simple user interface for efficient production management
Intuitive user interface that enables quick and easy multispectral data entry, creation of detailed vineyard status reports and easy search through available analyses and reports. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, our solution is tailored to your needs.
Analiza na dlanu slika
Vineyard analysis in your hand
Access analyses, recommendations and information from any part of your vineyard through the mobile application. Your vineyard in your pocket.
Povećajte kvalitetu, smanjite troškove slika
Increase quality, decrease costs
VINEYARD ANGEL is not only a software platform, but your partner in resource optimization. Increase grape quality, reduce costs and achieve excellence in viticulture thanks to our AI technology.
Iskoristite maksimalni potencijal slika
Use the maximum potential
Customer support from our experts will help you revolutionize the way you approach viticulture with VINEYARD ANGEL. We provide full support to the users so they can experience full potential of our platform.

About us

Created in collaboration with experts from various fields, our services are the result of careful planning, expertise and dedication. By successfully combining different perspectives and knowledge, we create a unique experience for our users.
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